Monday, September 20, 2010

Histerectomía Abdominal- Abdominal Hysterectomy

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Histerectomía es la cirugía para extirpar el útero de una mujer y se puede hacer a través de una incisión (corte) ya sea en el abdomen o la vagina.El cirujano hace una incisión (corte) de 5 a 7 pulgadas en la parte inferior de su abdomen. El corte puede ir ya sea hacia arriba, hacia abajo o a través del abdomen, justo por encima del vello púbico (corte bikini).
Existen muchas razones para realizar una histerectomía, aunque puede haber maneras de tratar la afección que no requieran de esta cirugía mayor. La afección puede aliviarse con una cirugía menos invasiva. Hable con el médico acerca de las opciones de tratamiento.

Después de extirparles el útero, muchas mujeres notarán cambios en su cuerpo y en la manera de percibirse a sí mismas. Hable con el médico, con su familia y con sus amigos acerca de estos posibles cambios antes de someterse a la cirugía.

La histerectomía puede recomendarse para:

Tumores en el útero, como el miomas uterinos
Cáncer del útero, con mayor frecuencia cáncer endometrial
Cáncer de cuello uterino o una afección precancerosa del cuello uterino llamada displasia cervical
Cáncer ovárico
Endometriosis, cuando el dolor es severo y otros tratamientos no han ayudado.
Sangrado vaginal severo y prolongado (crónico) que no puede controlarse con medicamentos
Prolapso uterino. Un útero desprendido desciende hacia la vagina.
Adenomiosis. Esta afección hace que el tejido que reviste el útero prolifere dentro de las paredes del útero.
Dolor crónico de la pelvis
Complicaciones durante el parto, como el sangrado incontrolable.

A hysterectomy (from Greek ὑστέρα hystera "womb" and εκτομία ektomia "a cutting out of") is the surgical removal of the uterus, usually performed by a gynecologist. Hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus, and cervix of the uterus; often called "complete") or partial (removal of the uterine body but leaving the cervical stump, also called "supracervical"). It is the most commonly performed gynecological surgical procedure. In 2003, over 600,000 hysterectomies were performed in the United States alone, of which over 90% were performed for benign conditions.Such rates being highest in the industrialized world has led to the major controversy that hysterectomies are being largely performed for unwarranted and unnecessary reasons.
Removal of the uterus renders the patient unable to bear children (as does removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes), and changes her hormonal levels considerably, so the surgery is normally recommended for only a few specific circumstances:
Certain types of reproductive system cancers (uterine, cervical, ovarian) or tumors
As a prophylactic treatment for those with either a strong family history of reproductive system cancers (especially breast cancer in conjunction with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation) or as part of their recovery from such cancers
Severe and intractable endometriosis (overgrowth of the uterine lining) and/or adenomyosis (a more severe form of endometriosis, where the uterine lining has grown into and sometimes through the uterine wall) after pharmaceutical and other non-surgical options have been exhausted
Postpartum to remove either a severe case of placenta praevia (a placenta that has either formed over or inside the birth canal) or placenta accreta (a placenta that has grown into and through the wall of the uterus to attach itself to other organs), as well as a last resort in case of excessive postpartum bleeding
For transmen, as part of their gender transition
For severe developmental disabilities
Although hysterectomy is frequently performed for fibroids (benign tumor-like growths inside the uterus itself made up of muscle and connective tissue), conservative options in treatment are available by doctors who are trained and skilled at alternatives. It is well documented in medical literature that myomectomy, surgical removal of fibroids with reconstruction of the uterus, has been performed for over a century.
The uterus is a hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ, and the ovaries produce the majority of estrogen and progesterone that is available in genetic females of reproductive age.
Some women's health education groups such as the Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services (HERS) Foundation seek to inform the public about the many consequences and alternatives to hysterectomy, and the important functions that the female organs have all throughout a woman's life.

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